Tuesday 19 August 2014

7 Reasons Why Everyone Should Travel Solo At Least Once (Tony)

7 Reasons Why Everyone Should Travel Solo At Least Once

It’s completely natural to feel a little uneasy and out of place at the beginning of any new venture.  But the good news is you will overcome it.  So embrace the opportunities that present themselves, soak in the moments that stand before you, and you may be surprised as what traveling alone can teach you about the world and about yourself.

You are more resourceful than you thought

Some people may be discouraged to travel alone because of a long list of things they are worried they won’t be able to figure out once they find themselves alone in a foreign country.  Perhaps they’re worried about how they’re going to find their way around a new city  or how they’re going to wash their clothes, or find a decent place to eat, or avoid getting scammed.  The secret to finding the answers and squelching all of your worries with anything in life that you choose to do is this:  don’t worry about the details; they’ll work themselves out once you figure out where it is you are headed.And you may be surprised by how willing strangers are to help you, even if you can’t speak the local language. You might be embarrassed as you struggle your way through unfamiliar words, but eventually you learn to shake off the shyness to get what you need.
If there is one thing I have learned thus far is that sometimes life has an uncanny way of helping you out with the details of any positive venture you embark upon that will enrich your life as well as the lives of those around you.  Besides, perhaps the simple act of doing your laundry or finding a decent place to eat can become an adventure in and of itself.

You can make your own important decisions

You may not realize just how many of the decisions you make in life are one form of compromise or another.  We compromise on our career choices,  on how we spend our time, and on who we spend our time with. In each and every aspect of our daily lives we are forced to make compromises, whether we realize it or not.
A few years back I realized that most of the choices I had made up until that point in my life had been some form of compromise between the things I really wanted and the things I was supposed to do.  That’s when I took a step back and assessed what it was that I really wanted out of life, and seeing more of the world became a top priority for me.  With no one else willing to take a year off to travel abroad, I finally mustered up the courage to venture off on my own, and it became one of the best decisions I had ever made.
I took a step back and assessed what it was that I really wanted out of life, and seeing more of the world became a top priority for me.
One of the greatest aspects of traveling alone, I discovered, is that you are not obligated to compromise on any of the things you really want to do during your trip with a travel companion.  It’s your life, your trip.  You alone dictate what you want to get out of your adventure.  Interested in art and cultures. Find a list of all the best museums.  Want to party until dawn and sleep in late?  Do it. Traveling solo teaches us that life doesn’t have to be a compromise, and that we are all instilled with the freedom and flexibility to choose how we experience life.

You might actually enjoy doing typically social things alone

I would hate for anyone to pass up the experience of traveling solo just because they feel a little uncomfortable doing certain everyday things alone.  I know some people may be averse to going out to eat or catching a new film in the theater solo, but in reality it is a lot less awkward than you may believe.  And as with anything else in life, it just takes practice.
As with anything else in life, it just takes practice.
In preparation for my big trip, I began dining out in restaurants by myself instead of ordering takeout.  I viewed it as practice to help build up my confidence for when I would be traveling, and eventually that progressed into going to the movies alone.  What I learned was that my fears of dining out and going to the movies alone were much worse than actually sitting in a restaurant or darkened movie theater and watching a movie.  No one is judging you or wondering why you are alone. All that self-consciousness comes only from you. As you may have experienced in other things you’ve tried for the first time, the first time is always the most difficult.  After that, it only gets easier.
But you are never really alone
Though navigating a new city, taking an overnight bus, shopping at the local market, and eating out alone all get easier the more you do them, if on any given day you don’t want to be alone, you don’t need to be.You’re never really alone so long as there’s someone there with whom you can strike up a conversation with, and you may be surprised by how easy it can be to communicate even if you don’t know the local language. A few basic phrases like “my name is” and “I am from” can go a long way.
If you stay in hostels, you’ll never be at a loss for travel companions. More likely than not, there will be at least a few other solo travelers staying in the same place, and chance are they’re looking for a travel buddy too.

Strangers may eventually become lifelong friends

I could almost guarantee you that lonely is one word that most experienced solo travelers would never use to describe any of their solo adventures.  So if the thought of being lonely is one of the things holding you back from embarking upon your own solo adventure, worry not.  Even though the idea of traveling alone may inspire thoughts of being by yourself in a foreign land with no one else to talk to, believe me when I tell you that you aren’t the first person who has thought to travel to wherever it is you are headed, nor will you be the last.  And you most certainly will not be there alone.
I could almost guarantee you that lonely is one word that most experienced solo travelers would never use to describe any of their solo adventures.
You will make so many new connections with travelers of all kinds, from all regions of the globe
Solo travel allows you to embrace spontaneity
Solo travel can help you be the most independent and confident version of yourself
After you have successfully made it back from your first solo adventure—or maybe even while you’re still on that epic trip you had planned for yourself—you will have begun to understand just how limiting traveling with other people could be.  We enclose ourselves within so many invisible boundaries that we truly limit ourselves from exploring the numerous unknown adventures that await us each and every day.
Often times, we can be so set in our ways that we forget just how many possibilities life holds in store for us.
Often times, we can be so set in our ways that we forget just how many possibilities life holds in store for us.  There is so much power in saying yes to whatever opportunities you find knocking at your door that you really never know just where life may take you.  Solo travel allows you to explore not only those possibilities, but the possibilities within yourself. Solo travel helps you to be more independent, confident, self-assured, and outgoing. And without familiar friends and family to form a buffer between you and the unknown, you learn more about  the outside world and your place in it.

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